RIVERMorph® Software Training

RIVERMorph® 2-Day Introductory Workshop

This 2-day introductory workshop will focus on providing an introduction to the use of the RIVERMorph® software. Participants will gain an understanding of the geomorphic data needed to properly evaluate a stream system, review geomorphic data collection techniques, and learn how to process and interpret geomorphic data through hands-on exercises using the RIVERMorph® software.

Specific items to be covered include:

  • Geomorphic Data Collection Overview 
  • Analysis of Cross Sections 
  • Analysis of Longitudinal Profiles 
  • Particle Size Distribution Calculations 
  • Automated Stream Classification 
  • Development of Dimensionless Ratios 
  • Stream Assessment Techniques 
  • Use of RIVERMorph® Calculators and Tools

Target Audience

Professionals who would benefit from this course are those involved in stream data collection, assessment of stream channels, design of natural stream systems, and review of stream projects. This may include government agency personnel, consultants, researchers, educators, and/or restoration professionals.

Registration Fee

$500.00  Includes registration fee, materials, books, and break refreshments.

RIVERMorph® 1.5-Day Advanced Workshop

This 1.5-day advanced workshop on the use of the RIVERMorph® software will focus on the more advanced features of RIVERMorph® including Natural Channel Design and the use of the Flowsed/Powersed model. Participants will gain an understanding of how to complete a natural channel design using the RIVERMorph® software through hands-on exercises.

Specific items to be covered include:

  • Review of basic RIVERMorph® Features
  • Hydraulics by Stages 
  • Sediment Transport Competency Analysis 
  • Sediment Transport Capacity Analysis 
  • Natural Channel Design Calculations 
  • Generation of NCD Design Cross Sections 
  • Advanced Gage Features 
  • Flowsed/Powersed Module

Target Audience

Professionals involved in stream data collection, assessment of stream channels, design of natural stream systems, and review of stream projects will benefit from this course. This may include government agency personnel, consultants, researchers, educators, and/or restoration professionals.

Registration Fee

$500.00 Includes registration fee, materials, books and break refreshments.

Note: If you are interested in hosting a training session on the use of RIVERMorph®, please contact us toll free at           (866) 748-6673 or email: info@rivermorph.com.

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