We hope some of your questions might be answered by this FAQ list.
The Export Graph Image to JPG or PNG File Doesn't Work. What's Wrong?
The required files that enable this functionality to work were not included in the RIVERMorph® installation package. To enable this functionality, right-click on this link and select 'Save Target As' from the pop-up menu, then choose a location to save the file. This will download the required files in .zip format. After you download the .zip file, unzip its contents to your Windows\System32 or Winnt\System32 directory.
I Can't Find Where to Export the Longitudinal Profile Graph to an Image File.
The image export function is always on the 'System' tab in all of the graph options' dialog boxes throughout RIVERMorph®. Within the Longitudinal Profile graph option dialog box, this tab appears as a large single tab above the other smaller tabs on the form.
RIVERMorph® File Dependency
The software reads/writes RIVERMorph Project Files (*.rmp) stored locally or on a network. The RIVERMorph Project File contains the river, reach, GIS, regional curve and gage data created by the user. A sample Project File is included with installation in the "c:\program files\rivermorph\rivermorph" data directory.
Geomorphic data can be exported/imported to or from Project Files so that they can be shared with other users or be used to clean up old Project Files. The export ile has a *.rmx extension.
A list of states and counties is contained in the states.csv text file stored in the "c:\program files\rivermorph" directory. RIVERMorph® uses this file to populated drop-down combos with state and county information in the Classification module. If this file becomes corrupt, renamed or is moved to another location then RIVERMorph® will not be able to load states and counties into this screen.
A temporary text file is created when WATSTORE data is downloaded from the Web. The file called dataimport.txt is created in the "c:\program files\rivermorph" directory while the program is pulling the information from the Web and sorting it into the Gage Analysis module.
RIVERMorph® reports can be saved as standard text files in any location.
Authorization and Serialization Codes
Each full edition of RIVERMorph® has to be activated by RIVERMorph LLC. The activation process is straightforward; however, it is easy to mistype or transpose characters in the activation screen leading to frustration.
When the application is opened for the first time the user will see the program authorization screen. This screen contains two code fields, MID and Site codes, and one Init code field. The user must contact RIVERMorph, LLC and supply the MID and Site codes that are loaded by default into the authorization screen. Each RIVERMorph® installation has a unique Init code that is produced randomly by the security software. The MID code is unique to each machine and is based on a combination of the OS, hard drive, and motherboard. Provide these codes to RIVERMorph, LLC via email, fax or telephone. A customer service representative will enter the user's information in a product database and decrypt the MID and Site codes. After decryption the customer service representative will send the Init code needed to complete the activation. Enter this code into the Init field of the authorization screen. If the codes are not correct RIVERMorph® will generate an error and be unable to load the rest of the application. If an error occurs, please verify that the MID and Site codes sent to RIVERMorph, LLC match exactly with what appears on the authorization screen. The best way to ensure the codes are correct is to copy and paste them into an email when asking for an Init code. This reduces the risk for typos.
Moving and Resizing the RIVERMorph Main Screen
The main RIVERMorph® GUI operates in full screen and partial screen mode. Other than these two modes, the GUI is not resizable even though the mouse may change the appearance when hovering at the edge of the screen. The GUI opens in its default, partial screen mode and can be minimized using the toolbar button at the top of the screen or may be moved about the desktop by clicking and dragging the logo at the top of the screen.
Installation Problems - Windows Installer
On somesystems a message will appear during installation: "WINDOWS INSTALLER Incorrect command line parameters." At this point the installation process is incomplete. This error presents itself when the following conditions exist:
- The operating system is NT 4.0
- The InstallShield installer detects that MDAC 2.7 needs to be installed, requiring a reboot in the middle of the installation process.
In all other versions of Windows, the installer will automatically restart itself upon reboot, as it should. NT 4.0 does not appear to do the same. To remedy the situation, simply restart the RIVERMorph® installation manually after the error message is displayed.
I exported my thalweg series to a profile from the total station graph, but when I view the resulting profile graph, there's a blue line at the end of the profile that drops to the bottom of the graph. How do I fix this?
This happens when you have a bankfull reading past the last thalweg reading in your total station data. When the thalweg series is exported, any bankfull reading past the last thalweg reading is projected to the last thalweg reading's coordinates. Since the bankfull reading does not have an associated water surface value, the graph interprets it as zero and plots the water surface trend line accordingly. To remedy this, simply swap the last thalweg reading with the last bankfull reading in the profile data grid.